Getting to Lastovo
How to get to Lastovo island
You can get to Lastovo Island by direct ferry routes from the two/three directions:
- From Dubrovnik and Korcula town by daily direct fast ferry line, all year round
- From Split, Hvar, and Vela Luka (Korcula Island) by daily direct fast ferry line, all year round
- From Mljet by direct fast ferry line, July and August only
Car Ferries to Lastovo go from Split and Vela Luka only.
Detailed transport info:
Split to Lastovo | Hvar to Lastovo | Dubrovnik to Lastovo | Korcula to Lastovo |
Brac to Lastovo | Vis to Lastovo | Mljet to Lastovo |
Ferries to Lastovo

Fast ferries timetables (Catamaran to/from Lastovo):

Car ferries timetable:

For detailed info and all ferries to and from Lastovo check the Croatia Ferries website, especially Island of Lastovo ferries where all ferries currently sailing to and from Lastovo are listed with updated schedules/timetables
Buses around Lastovo – timetable, and info:
Here is the current bus schedule for Lastovo:

Bus schedule for Lastovo for summers (June to September):

Bus Timetable Lastovo – Ubli – Pasadur:
Update: This below bus timetable has been reduced. Refer to the above schedule!
From Lastovo | From Ubli | From Pasadur | |
Monday | 04:00,06:50,12:40,14:10,15:00,16:45,19:00 | 04:15,07:05,12:55,14:25,15:15,17:00,19:15 | 07:10,13:00,14:30,15:20 |
Tuesday | 04:00,06:50,12:40,14:10,15:00,16:45,19:00 | 04:15,07:05,12:55,14:25,15:15,17:00,19:15 | 07:10,13:00,14:30,15:20 |
Wednesday | 04:00,06:50,12:40,14:10,15:00,16:45,19:00 | 04:15,07:05,12:55,14:25,15:15,17:00,19:15 | 07:10,13:00,14:30,15:20 |
Thursday | 04:00,06:50,12:40,14:10,15:00,16:45,19:00 | 04:15,07:05,12:55,14:25,15:15,17:00,19:15 | 07:10,13:00,14:30,15:20 |
Friday | 04:00,06:50,12:40,14:10,15:00,16:45,19:00 | 04:15,07:05,12:55,14:25,15:15,17:00,19:15 | 07:10,13:00,14:30,15:20 |
Saturday | 04:00,06:50,12:40,16:45,19:00 | 04:15,07:05,14:15,17:00,19:15 | 07:10,14:15 |
Sunday | 06:15,12:30,14:00,16:45,22:00 | 06:30,12:45,17:00,22:15 | 07:10,14:15 |
Bus Timetable Lastovo – Skrivena Luka:
Update: this bus line is discontinued!
Lastovo – Skrivena luka | Skrivena Luka – Lastovo | |
Monday | 04:15, 09:00 | 04:30, 09:15 |
Tuesday | 15:00, 20:15 | 15:15, 20:30 |
Wednesday | 11:00 | 11:15 |
Thursday | 04:15, 09:00, 10:00 | 04:30, 09:15, 10:15 |
Friday | 04:15 | 04:30 |
Saturday | 04:15, 09:00 | 4:30, 09:05 |
Sunday | 04:15, 09:00, 11:00 | 4:30, 09:15, 11:15 |
Distances from Lastovo Village to :
- Ubli (10 km)
- Skrivena Luka (7km)
- Veliko and Malo Jezero ( Lago) (14 km)
- Lastovci islets (Lastovo Archipelago) (3-11 Nm)
- Korcula island (9.5 Nm).
- Buses from/to Ubli, from/to Pasadur, from/to Lastovo, from/to Skrivena Luka
Tourist board Lastovo, Pjevor b.b., 20290 Lastovo 020 801 0180, fax: 20 801 018 –