Lastovo Village

The village of Lastovo is located on the top of the hill on the northern edge of the Island. This is the largest settlement on the island with about 500 inhabitants. Above Lastovo village there is the highest peak that houses a meteorological station. From that peak, one can see a panorama of the eastern part of the Lastovo island as well as the islets of Lastovci (Lastovo Archipelago) and the neighbouring island of Korcula.

Lastovo was for centuries ruled by the Dubrovnik Republic, which is evident in the value of its architectural and artistic heritage. The village, situated on the southern slopes of a hill, has a series of old Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque homes with their picturesque and unique chimneys (fumari) – see above photo.

The parish church of St. Kuzma and Damjan (above photo) from the 14th century was built by Dubrovnik and Korcula master stonemasons/craftsmen. The church has three naves from the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. The Baroque main altar is ornamented by paintings of the saints Kuzma and Damjan from the 17th century, the work of Venetian artist Giovanni Lanfranco. Here also are two stone ciborium from the 16th century, created after a similar one located in Korcula Old Town’s cathedral.

The church also contains valuable silver liturgical articles, and the Renaissance bronze bowl for blessing water is exceptional. There are many old churches on Lastovo: St Luke’s from the 11th century in Ubli, and the most beautiful is St. Mary of the Fields, which was built by local masters in the 15th century in the Gothic-Renaissance style.
Lastovo has its own folk costume, traditions and dances as well as it is well known Lastovo Carnival.
Local people in Lastovo are mainly employed in farming and vines and olives industry as well as fishing and tourism.
Lastovo’s village harbour is located in a small, shallow bay of Sveti Mihovil, about 20 minutes walk downhill from the Village. Sveti Mihajlo is built by Austro-Hungarian Empire as a harbour that was needed in the 18th and the 19th century for transportation of wood, olives and wine to Dubrovnik, Split and beyond.

Location of Lastovo Village on the Island
Distances from Lastovo Village to:
Ubli (10 km), Skrivena Luka (7km) , Veliko and Malo Jezero (Lago) (14 km) – Pasadur, Lastovci islets (Lastovo Archipelago) (3-11 Nm), Korcula island (9.5 Nm).
Getting to Lastovo village: There is a regular, daily bus service between Lastovo, Ubli, Pasadur and Skirivena Luka – see bus schedules and prices

Above photo: Views over Pjevor Street (Lastovo) and the archipelago